Merry Christmas Everyone!
For anyone wondering, we really haven't fallen off the face of the earth. We have had a heck of a fall and winter so far. We have survived the chicken pox, bronchitis, a minor "procedure" and pretty much one runny nose after another since September. I think we are getting back on our game though now.
So, short update...

Thanksgiving was a BIG celebration this year. We hosted Maren's family. So, we had nine kids and four adults at our house for five days. It was such a blast. The kids got to catch up and had some much needed cousin time. We had dinner on Thursday with everyone. My father in law and his wife as well as our friends Rick and Lynn joined us for dinner. We had a TON of food...double batches of everything! The next day we took the kids to to Cosley Zoo
Alaric and Jaydon both finished up their first semester at Home School University and have loved every minute of it. Because of HSU, they are both now Spanish speaking, Karate orange belt, bird expert, mathmeticians. It has proven to be a great investment... as well as a much needed break for me.

Zander is still our little wild card. We affectionately refer to him as our Burger King kid...He thinks that everything is "His way, right away" We are finding ways to help him realize it is mommy's way, right away though. He has such a soft spot for Kyria and it is really sweet to see the two of them starting to "play." He forgets often that he is more than double her weight and therefore should not sit on her. But, she seems to be able to run with the boys pretty well.
Well, signing off for now. Will try to update again soon! We hope you all have a very merry and safe Christmas and New Year!
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